Procedure 1: Disk Replacement when the Volume Group is Mirrored
- Remove all copies from disk:
1# unmirrorvg vg_name hdiskX
- Remove disk from volume group:
1# reducevg vg_name hdiskX
- Remove disk from ODM:
1# rmdev -l hdiskX -d
- Connect new disk to system (use Hot Plug Disk Replacement Procedure) (May have to shut down if not hot-pluggable)
- Add new disk to volume group:
1# extendvg vg_name hdiskY
- Create new copies:
12# mirrorvg vg_name hdiskY# syncvg vg_name
Procedure 2a: Disk Still Working in non-rootvg
- Connect new disk to system
- Add new disk to volume group:
1# extendvg vg_name hdiskY
- Migrate old disk to new disk: (*)
1# migratepv hdiskX hdiskY
- Remove old disk from volume group:
1# reducevg vg_name hdiskX
- Remove old disk from ODM:
1# rmdev -l hdiskX -d
Procedure 2b: Disk Still Working in ROOTVG
- Connect new disk to system
- Add new disk to volume group
1extendvg rootvg hdiskY
- Disk contains hd5 ?
1234# migratepv -l hd5 hdiskX hdiskY# bosboot -ad /dev/hdiskY# chpv -c hdiskX# bootlist -m normal hdiskY
- Migrate old disk to new disk:
1# migratepv hdiskX hdiskY
- Remove old disk from volume group
1reducevg rootvg hdiskX
- Remove old disk from ODM
1# rmdev -l hdiskX -d
Procedure 3: Disk in Missing or Removed State
- Identify all LVs and file systems on failing disk:
1# lspv -l hdiskY
- Unmount all file systems on failing disk:
1# umount /dev/lv_name
- Remove all file systems and LVs from failing disk
12# rmfs# rmlv lv_name
- Remove disk from volume group:
1# reducevg vg_name hdiskY
- Remove disk from system:
1# rmdev -l hdiskY -d
- Add new disk to volume group:
1# extendvg vg_name hdiskZ
- Re-create all LVs and file systems on new disk:
12# mklv -y lv_name# smit crfs
- Restore file systems from backup:
1# restore -rvqf /dev/rmt0
Procedure 4: Total rootvg Failure
- Replace bad disk (Use Hot Plug Disk Replacement Procedure)
- Boot in maintenance mode
- Restore from a mksysb tape
- Import each volume group into the new ODM (importvg) if needed
Procedure 5: Total non-rootvg Failure
- Export the volume group from the system:
1# exportvg vg_name
- Check /etc/filesystems
- Remove bad disk from ODM and the system:
1# rmdev -l hdiskX -d
- Connect new disk
- If volume group backup is available (savevg):
1# restvg -f /dev/rmt0 hdiskY
- If no volume group backup is available, Recreate Volume groups(mkvg), Logical volumes and File systems(mklv, crfs)
- Restore data from a backup:
1# restore -rqvf /dev/rmt0