ANR1153W and ANR1171W


When you move data,you encountered lock conflict error.

03/04/2015 14:02:35      ANR0984I Process 1636 for MOVE DATA started in the
BACKGROUND at 14:02:35. (SESSION: 165255, PROCESS: 1636)
03/04/2015 14:02:35      ANR1140I Move data process started for volume A01223L4
(process ID 1636). (SESSION: 165255, PROCESS: 1636)
03/04/2015 14:02:35      ANR1171W Unable to move files associated with node
**********, filespace /****** fsId 2 on volume ********4
due to restore in progress. (SESSION: 165255, PROCESS:
03/04/2015 14:02:35      ANR1153W Move data process terminated for volume *******4
– lock conflict. (SESSION: 165255, PROCESS: 1636)
03/04/2015 14:02:35      ANR0985I Process 1636 for MOVE DATA running in the
BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE at
14:02:35. (SESSION: 165255, PROCESS: 1636)
03/04/2015 14:02:35      ANR1893E Process 1636 for MOVE DATA completed with a
completion state of FAILURE. (SESSION: 165255, PROCESS:
03/04/2015 14:02:45      ANR2017I Administrator ******** issued command: QUERY
ACTLOG search=’Process: 1636′  (SESSION: 165255)


tsm: TSM>q restore

Sess     Restore         Elapsed     Node Name                     Filespace             FSID
Number     State           Minutes                                   Name
——     ———–     ——-     ————————-     ———–     ———-
-7     Restartable       1,232     ********                     /*****                  2
-5     Restartable       1,232     *********                        /****                     2
-6     Restartable       1,232     **************               /*****             3

tsm: TSM>can restore -7
ANR0493I Restore session -7 canceled.


Then you restart move data command.




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