Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Vitess Graduation


The Cloud Native Computing Foundation today announced that Vitess, a database clustering system it took under its wing two years ago, has graduated incubation, becoming the eighth open-source project to achieve the milestone to date.

Originally created in 2010 as an internal solution by YouTube for scaling large amounts of storage using MySQL, Vitess is a cloud native database system.

Vitess is managed by a team of 14 core maintainers who collaborate with a community of more than 100 contributors. The project’s graduation was conditioned on the demonstration of a “documented, structured governance process” and a passing grade in a cybersecurity audit conducted by an outside firm on CNCF’s behalf. 

Vitess is the eighth project to graduate, following Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, CoreDNS, containerd, Fluentd, and Jaeger. To move from the maturity level of incubation to graduation, projects must demonstrate thriving adoption, a documented, structured governance process, and a strong commitment to community, sustainability, and inclusivity.


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