PowerHA 7.1.3 Install and Configuration with Apache Web Server


We create a lab environment with 2 AIX Nodes backpart of VIOS.I gave two LUN caavg and apachevg and share of this two nodes on Storage.The Index Page is located on apachevg.

PowerHA is using a disk (caavg_private) as a topology repository diskIn this document you will setup and configure a PowerHA cluster to manage a flexible Apache Server.

caavg==> 5G

apachevg==> 30G



Service IP=

PowerHA1 (1)

  • Check /etc/hosts file (both nodes)
 root@PowerHA1:/home/root # cat /etc/hosts PowerHA1 PowerHA2 serviceip_apache

root@PowerHA2:/home/root # cat /etc/hosts PowerHA1 PowerHA2 serviceip_apache
  • Check connectivity between the two nodes (both nodes)
    root@PowerHA1:/home/root # ping PowerHA2
    PING PowerHA2: ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0 ms
  • Make sure that there is no /etc/resolv.conf file.If you have got a /etc/resolv.conf,you can move it another name.
    root@PowerHA1:/home/root # ls /etc/resolv.conf
    ls: 0653-341 The file /etc/resolv.conf does not exist.
  • Edit /etc/cluster/rhosts (both nodes)
    root@PowerHA1:/home/root # vi /etc/cluster/rhosts
    "/etc/cluster/rhosts" 3 lines, 19 characters 
 root@PowerHA2:/home/root # vi /etc/cluster/rhosts

"/etc/cluster/rhosts" 3 lines, 19 characters 


  • Start the clcomd daemon (both nodes)
    root@PowerHA2:/home/root # startsrc -s clcomd
    0513-059 The clcomd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 14221342.
  • To see if the clcomd is running :
 root@PowerHA2:/home/root # lssrc -s clcomd

 Subsystem Group PID Status 

 clcomd caa 14221342 active
  • Load the service if you do a change your config
 root@PowerHA2:/home/root # refresh -s clcomd

 0513-095 The request for subsystem refresh was completed successfully.
  • If you want to stop your deamon
root@PowerHA2:/home/root # stopsrc -s clcomd

 0513-044 The clcomd Subsystem was requested to stop.
  • Check your LUNS
    root@PowerHA1:/home/root # lspv
    hdisk0 00c4b8379a6bb1df rootvg active
    hdisk1 00c4b8379b1069e3 None
    hdisk2 00c4b8379b0904fc apache
root@PowerHA2:/home/root # lspv

hdisk0 00c4b8379a6bb25a rootvg active

hdisk1 00c4b8379b1069e3 None

hdisk2 00c4b8379b0904fc apache
  • The same LUN must be seen on the two nodes, for hdisk1 and hdisk2
    root@PowerHA1:/home/root # lscfg -vpl hdisk1 | grep Serial
    Serial Number...............50 17B1D
 root@PowerHA2:/home/root # lscfg -vpl hdisk1 | grep Serial

 Serial Number...............50 17B1D

 hdisk0 (rootvg) is local to each node

 hdisk1 will be used for Cluster Aware AIX (CAA) topology repository disk (caavg)

 hdisk2 is targeted for the HTML page, used by Apache web server (apachevg)
  • Check your default gateway address, and ping it to be sure.
root@PowerHA1:/home/root # netstat -rn

Routing tables

Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use If Exp Groups

Route Tree for Protocol Family 2 (Internet):

default UG 2 798 en0 - - UHSb 0 0 en0 - - =>

root@PowerHA1:/home/root # ping

PING . ( 56 data bytes

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=1 ms
  • We downloaded 7.1.3 version of PowerHA and installed with installp command.
root@PowerHA1:/mnt/AIX/PowerHA713 # ls -ltr

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root system 16466 Nov 07 2013 release_notes_713

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root system 7691 Nov 07 2013 release_notes_assist_713

drwxrwxrwx 3 root system 256 Feb 17 2015 installp

drwxrwxrwx 5 root system 256 Feb 17 2015 director

drwxrwxrwx 3 root system 256 Feb 17 2015 usr

drwxrwxrwx 2 root system 4096 Feb 17 2015 pubs
  • Start the cluster configuration
    root@PowerHA1:/ smit sysmirror / Cluster Nodes and Networks / Standard Cluster Deployment / setup a Cluster, Nodes and Networks

    PowerHA1 (2)PowerHA1 (3)PowerHA1 (4)PowerHA1 (5)PowerHA1 (6)

    • Upon completion, scan the cltopinfo

      PowerHA1 (7)

      • Define the Cluster Aware AIX (CAA) repository disk
      root@PowerHA1:/mnt/AIX/PowerHA713 # smit sysmirror / Cluster Nodes and Networks / Standard Cluster Deployment / Define Repository Disk and Cluster IP address

      PowerHA1 (8)PowerHA1 (9)PowerHA1 (10)PowerHA1 (11)PowerHA1 (12)

      • You can check your caa disk with cltopinfo command.


      PowerHA1 (13)

      • Check your cluster on other node.

      PowerHA1 (14)

      root@PowerHA2:/home/root # lscluster -c
       1035-053 lscluster: Cluster services are not active.
       root@PowerHA2:/home/root # lssrc -g caa
       Subsystem Group PID Status 
       clcomd caa 16187426 active
       clconfd caa inoperative
      • Synchronize the cluster configuration
      root@PowerHA1:/home/root # smit sysmirror / Cluster Nodes and Networks / Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration

      PowerHA1 (15)PowerHA1 (16)

      root@PowerHA1:/home/root # lspv
      hdisk0 00c4b8379a6bb1df rootvg active 
      hdisk1 00c4b8379fc3b2f7 caavg_private active 
      hdisk2 00c4b8379b0904fc apache 
      root@PowerHA2:/home/root # lspv
      hdisk0 00c4b8379a6bb25a rootvg active 
      hdisk1 00c4b8379fc3b2f7 caavg_private active 
      hdisk2 00c4b8379b0904fc apache 
      • On second node:
      root@PowerHA2:/home/root # /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cltopinfo
       Cluster Name: PowerHA_cluster
       Cluster Type: Standard
       Heartbeat Type: Unicast
       Repository Disk: hdisk1 (00c4b8379fc3b2f7)
       There are 2 node(s) and 1 network(s) defined
       NODE PowerHA1:
      Network net_ether_01
       NODE PowerHA2:
      Network net_ether_01
       No resource groups defined

      PowerHA1 (17)PowerHA1 (18)

      • Import Apache volume group into PowerHA
      root@PowerHA2:/home/root # smit sysmirror / System Management (C-SPOC) / Storage / Volume Groups / Import a Volume Group / apachevg (on hdisk2)

      PowerHA1 (19)PowerHA1 (20)PowerHA1 (21)PowerHA1 (22)PowerHA1 (23)PowerHA1 (24)PowerHA1 (25)PowerHA1 (26)

      • PowerHA SystemMirror Application and Resource configuration
      In PowerHA terminology, a Resource Group is a set of information and resources needed to run the application you want to protect with the cluster.
      We prepare start and stop apache scripts.
      root@PowerHA1:/usr/IBMAHS # ls -ltr *apache*
      -rwxr--r-- 1 root system 31 May 11 11:18 stop_apache.sh
      -rwxr--r-- 1 root system 73 May 11 11:48 start_apache.sh
      root@PowerHA1:/usr/IBMAHS # cat start_apache.sh
      print "$(hostname)" > /apache/index.html
      /usr/IBMAHS/bin/apachectl start
      root@PowerHA1:/usr/IBMAHS # cat stop_apache.sh
      /usr/IBMAHS/bin/apachectl stop
      You can download apache package on your web package site.

      PowerHA1 (27)

      And change your docs directory on your httpd.conf file.
      <Directory /apache>
      AllowOverride none
      # Require all denied
      DocumentRoot "/apache"
      Then restart your http server
       /usr/IBMAHS/bin/apachectl stop
       /usr/IBMAHS/bin/apachectl start
      • Define the Application Controller
      root@PowerHA2:/home/root # smit sysmirror / Cluster Application and Resources /Resources / Configure User Applications (Scripts and Monitors) / Application Controller Scripts / Add Application Controller Scripts

      PowerHA1 (28)PowerHA1 (29)

      • Define the Service IP address
      root@PowerHA2:/home/root # smit sysmirror / Cluster Application and Resources /Resources / Configure Service IP Labels/Addresses / Add a Service IP Label/Address

      PowerHA1 (30)PowerHA1 (31)PowerHA1 (32)PowerHA1 (33)PowerHA1 (34)PowerHA1 (35)

      • Define the Resource Group
      root@PowerHA2:/home/root # smit sysmirror / Cluster Application and Resources / Resource Groups / Add a Resource Group

      PowerHA1 (36)PowerHA1 (37)

      • Add service IP address and apachevg volume group to the Resource Group
      root@PowerHA2:/home/root # smit sysmirror / Cluster Application and Resources /Resource Groups / Change/Show Resources and Attributes for a Resource Group

      PowerHA1 (38)

      • Check your final PowerHA cluster configuration
        root@PowerHA2:/home/root # /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cltopinfo
        Cluster Name: PowerHA_cluster
        Cluster Type: Standard
        Heartbeat Type: Unicast
        Repository Disk: hdisk1 (00c4b8379fc3b2f7)
        There are 2 node(s) and 1 network(s) defined
        NODE PowerHA1:
        Network net_ether_01
        NODE PowerHA2:
        Network net_ether_01
        Resource Group rg_apache
        Startup Policy Online On Home Node Only
        Fallover Policy Fallover To Next Priority Node In The List
        Fallback Policy Fallback To Higher Priority Node In The List
        Participating Nodes PowerHA2 PowerHA1
        Service IP Label serviceip_apache
        root@PowerHA2:/home/root # /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cllsres
        • Synchronize the PowerHA configuration
        root@PowerHA2:/home/root # smit sysmirror / Cluster Applications and Resources / Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration

        PowerHA1 (39)

        • Start PowerHA SystemMirror Services
        root@PowerHA2:/home/root #smit sysmirror / System Management (C-SPOC) / PowerHA SystemMirror Services / Start Cluster Services

        PowerHA1 (40)PowerHA1 (41)PowerHA1 (42)PowerHA1 (43)

        • check your web server with service ip

        PowerHA1 (52)

        root@PowerHA2:/home/root # /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clRGinfo
        Group Name State Node 
        rg_apache ONLINE PowerHA2 
                       OFFLINE PowerHA1 

        PowerHA1 (44)

        • check service
        root@PowerHA2:/home/root # /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clshowsrv -v
        Status of the RSCT subsystems used by PowerHA SystemMirror:
        Subsystem Group PID Status 
        cthags cthags 15728694 active
        ctrmc rsct 8585364 active
        Status of the PowerHA SystemMirror subsystems:
        Subsystem Group PID Status 
        clstrmgrES cluster 12714004 active
        clevmgrdES cluster 17760284 active
        Status of the CAA subsystems:
        Subsystem Group PID Status 
        clconfd caa 18546798 active
        clcomd caa 15073370 active
        Details of PowerHA SystemMirror cluster manager:
        Current state: ST_STABLE
        • Move the web server on the second node
        root@PowerHA2:/home/root # smit sysmirror / System Management (C-SPOC) / Resource Groups and Applications / Move Resource Groups to Another Node

        PowerHA1 (45)PowerHA1 (46)PowerHA1 (47)PowerHA1 (48)PowerHA1 (49)

        • check again your browser

        PowerHA1 (50)

        root@PowerHA2:/home/root # /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clRGinfo
        Group Name State Node 
        rg_apache OFFLINE PowerHA2 
                         ONLINE PowerHA1 

        PowerHA1 (51)


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