How To Install OpenMediaVault on Debian 10?


OpenMediaVault is a networked attached storage (NAS) solution. If you install your own NAS solution, this article will be so benefical for you. This tutorial describes the installation and configuration of OpenMediaVault.

  • Debian 10
  • 100Gb additional disk
Step 1 – Upgrade your system

Let’s update the existing packages by running the following command.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Step 2 – Install OpenMediaVault

Now, you can download install script and then run.Please note that this process can take some time as the script needs to install numerous packages that the OpenMediaVault software requires.

wget -O - | sudo bash
Step 3 – Reboot

When install step has finish, you should reboot debian system with below command

sudo reboot
Step 4 – Access OpenMediaVault Web GUI

Now , we will login OpenMediaVault Web Console using public ip. You will need to know your public ip.

username : admin

 password : openmediavault

After login your OpenMediaVault, you can see OpenMediaVault dashboard

Step 5 – Changing default Password
Click General Settings
Step 6 – Adding a filesystem
Step 7 – Create a shared Folder
Add shared folder
Step 8 – Enabling Samba/CIFS Services
add your shared folder
Apply your settings
Step 9 – Adding new user for this shared folder
Step 10 – Test your connecttion with new user
sudo mount.cifs  // /emre -o user=test,pass=test



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