Restore Data using the command line


How to restore data using the command line on Tivoli Storage Manager?

How to enter to TSM client:
root@um~# dsmc
How to check where are the configuration files (usually is /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin):
root@um~# echo $DSM_DIR
How to check when last backup ran:
root@um~# dsmc q fi
How to check schedule (use -se if you want to check it for a specific server):
root@um~# dsmc q sched
root@um~# dsmc q sched -se=tsmserver1
How to look for files under some directory:
root@um~# dsmc q b -subdir=yes -inactive “/data/stuff/*”
How to look for files under some directory on the backup server for a host:
root@um~# dsmc q b -inactive -subdir=yes -se=&ltclient> “/data/stuff/*”
How to restore from incremental backup all files in /data/stuff directory, including the deleted ones active or inactive:
root@um~# dsmc restore -subdir=yes -latest “/data/stuff/*”
How to restore files to /tmp/oldfiles:
root@um~# dsmc restore -pick -subdir=yes “/data/stuff/*” /tmp/oldfiles/
How to restore inactive files:
root@um~# dsmc restore -inactive -pick -subdir=yes “/data/stuff/*” /tmp/oldfiles/
How to restore without overwriting existing files:
root@um~# dsmc restore -verbose -subdir=yes –rep=no /data/stuff/
How to look for all *.arc files between specific days mm/dd/yyyy:
root@um~# dsmc q b -inactive -dateformat=1 -subdir=yes “/oracle/archives/*.arc” -FROMdate=01/03/2010 -TODate=01/03/2010
How to run a backup now:
root@um~# dsmc incr -ver
How to backup a single file:
root@um~# dsmc backup “/etc/filesystems”
How to restore /exploit/ to a point in time:
root@um~# dsmc restore -subdir=y -ina -pitdate=”10/08/11″ “/exploit/*” /tmp/exploit-restore/
How to restore some files between dates:
root@um~# dsmc restore -subdir=y -ina “/exploit/*” /tmp/exploit-restore/ -FROMdate=05/03/2010 -TODate=06/03/2010
How to display a list of all your backups on /home/ (use the detail option to display the last modification date and the creation date of each file):
root@um~# dsmc q backup -sub=yes -detail “/home/*”
How to display a list of all your backed up files with dateformat and timeformat options:
root@um~# dsmc q b -date=1 -time=4 -su=y “/home/*”
How to include the timeformat option in a command (it must precede the fromtime, pittime, and totime options):
root@um~# dsmc q b -date=1 -timeformat=4 -fromd=05/01/2006 -fromt=11:59AM /
How to display a list of active and inactive backup versions of files from which you can select versions to restore:
root@um~# dsmc restore “/user/project/*”-pick -inactive
How to restore all files in the /home/ directory to their state as of 3:00 PM on March 10, 2010.:
root@um~# dsmc restore -pitd=3/10/2010 -pitt=15:00:00 /home/


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