Stor2rrd New Version 1.01


You can monitor your Storage like lpars on Power.But your storage model should be DS8100 or SVC or XIV

You can download this link

We will upgrade our stor2rrd 0.40 to 1.01 version.
install a new version via script

# su – stor2rrd (if the tool is running under stor2rrd user)
$ tar xvf stor2rrd-1.01.tar
$ cd stor2rrd-1.01
$ sh ./
STOR2RRD upgrade under user : “stor2rrd”
make sure you have rights to modify STOR2RRD home dir

Where is STOR2RRD actually located [/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd]:


Upgrade is done
Now you can start the tool:
$ cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd
$ ./

Start the tool and check whether there are errors

$ cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd
$ ./

Here wait 10 – 15minutes to let download configuration from the storages
Refresh the GUI source file with latest storage config data (it is mainly about host info)

$ ./ html

go to the GUI, reload it (Ctrl-F5 etc …)






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